Friday, December 14, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Interview with Elaine Duran of Enticing Cake Boutique
I hope you all enjoy! my Interview with the one and only Elaine Duran of Enticing Cake Boutiques! her cakes are not only works of art but they are divine to taste as well! To all my soon to be brides take a look for yourself!:))
Q.Why the baking business?
A.I always had a love for baking and I've always wanted my own boutique. This wasn't planned out really. The opportunity arose in the midst of hard economic times and I chose to re-invent my self. I always new I would have my own business one day but I never once thought it would be in the baking field lol... NEVER! do you come up with ideas that inspire you?
A.I always wanted to be in the fashion world. As a little girl I use to dream of being a shoe designer as I got older I would always come up with different ideas in fashion I would want to get involved in. I wanted to design biker gear for bikers ( motorcycle riders ) I got really involved in Interior Design which was my first option I was leaning towards before cake designing. However, because of my passion for fashion and design this is what inspires me. Colors and Contrast of Colors, Texture, History, and Architecture.
Q.what made you want to start your business?
A.I was working for corporate America making excellent income with no worries. I was let go on the same day I had scheduled a beginners cake class at my local craft store for fun. By the time I left my office to keep my self sane from all of the chaos of being unemployed I chose to go to class that evening not knowing if I could afford the gas to continue the next week. That day I went I really enjoyed it and thought maybe just maybe if I can good at it I can one day possibly sell the cakes I made. My beginner cakes were horrid but I did not give up because I new I had to create income from somewhere. Out of desperation I took it upon my self to make sure I learned and learn FAST. FAILURE WAS NOT AN OPTION because I had 2 little ones at home and my husband had just suffered a heart attack :(
Q.who are your personal style icons and why?
A.Know one particular that I can think of at the moment. Though I'm pretty sure I have a few lol... I think anyone original and different falls into that category. I'm very gawdy. I love Zsa Zsa Gabor I guess she's the first one who comes to mind. I love the glitz and glamour, the chic and sassy type
Q.what's your favorite CD at the moment?
A.None, at the moment because I never have time to sit and read a book, or listen to music, or even watch t.v. My children are so young and juggling both work and my little one's leaves me very little time for myself. But I LOOOOVE any music from the Frank Sinatra era, like Tony Bennett. Which in todays world the equivalent would by Harry Connick Jr. Soooo... if I had time to listen to anything or pull out a favorite c.d. it would definitley be in the genre of music.
Q.what do you do when you feel like you have hit a creative roadblock?
A.Honestly, I leave it alone. I look at magazines for ideas or other peoples work not neccesarily to copy because I like to be unique but if it's nice I will add my own twist to it.
Q.what's a typical day like for you
A.Wow, a typical day for me is never typical lol... The only thing typical is the ride to and from taking the kids to school and to gma's house so I can start baking away! Valentino has football so I like to be involved in everything my kids do so I stop everything and chill with them at the park until 7:30 4times a week. I get them ready for bed and then no matter how sleepy I stay up and keep baking away. There was a time that I only slept 2 hours a night to kick of this business venture. Now, I force myself to sleep atleast 6 hours for my SANITY AND MEMORY!
Q.what's your favorite thing to do
A.My favorite thing to do is travel and I love going to flea markets. I love spending time with my children. I miss the long bubble baths and reading my daddy Hagin books.
Q.describe your artistic style
A.My artistic style I think I anwered in number 5. But really I like so much of everything I would hate to have to categorize me in one particular style.
Q.what's the most difficult part of your business
A.Hands down the techy part. The ongoing torture of advertizing and online marketing. I don't really have an interest in computers or how they function. So because we live in such a virtual world and it has such a huge impact in my business I must learn. I can't wait for the day that I can just pay someone to promote my networking pages, and do the advertising, and answer all my emails lol... So I can just stay in my designing headquarters where I belong :)
Q.what's the best part of your business
A.The best part of my business is the being recognized. I know in my deepest inner knowing that I was created for greatness and that God's hand is on my life. I have felt him since I was a child. So to see the talents he's given me finally evolve and develop I stay amazed at what create at times and GIVE GOD ALL THE GLORY knowing it never would of been possible with out Him blessing me in such a way. But then when others take notice in my work especially people of influence this is so humbling and honoring to me. I sit and cry sometimes because I am soo grateful. I feel like I am literally under an OPEN HEAVEN in this season of my life.
Q.what do you enjoy most about being an entrepreneur
A.I like being able to make my own hours. I like not missing out on quality time with my children. I like the part of being able to say I have something I can call my own. I just need to master on how to bring in the MILLIONS lol... So that I don't have to keep cleaning all the time and I can seriously get some hired help :) I like the fact that as an entrepreneur there is always room for growth and you can never have enough knowledge on how to be more successful or better. As long as I am an entrepreneur than I know I can one day make on the list of the FORTUNE 500!
Q.where do you or what plans to you have for your business in the near future
A.The plans for my business are several because I am only beginning. The most important in the near future is to build a brand before I open shop locally. I want and need to focus on creating the brand and taking it to the next level. Several ideas are already in the works. It takes alot of money to build a brand so I am taking it one step at a time. The last thing I want is debt. I will not rest until ENTICING CAKE BOUTIQUE becomes a household name.
My advice to mommy's with a business or with a desire to create one is... That it's never to late and that there is no circumstance big enough that can stop you from achieving your goals and desires ONLY YOU! If you are mom DO NOT miss out on quality time with your children MONEY is not that important. When your children are in grade school where they are gone for 8 hours of the day that's your time to PUSH HARD. Meanwhile focus on building your image and brand online and amongst the people you know. And leave the leasing space and overhead w/ employees for later when you know you've got time more time on your hands. Children are only children for a season if as a mommy you miss out on them. YOU WILL REGRET IT FOREVER and know business or empire can EVER BRING BACK OR BUY THAT TIME BACK! Finally!!! Whew... This was fun. I hope I answered them detailed enough and didn't confuse you lol...
Thank You ! so much MRS,Duran for doing this Interview:)For more information on Enticing Cake Boutique you can find her @Customized and personalized coutured cakes for every sweet occasion! 321.299.5483
Q.Why the baking business?
A.I always had a love for baking and I've always wanted my own boutique. This wasn't planned out really. The opportunity arose in the midst of hard economic times and I chose to re-invent my self. I always new I would have my own business one day but I never once thought it would be in the baking field lol... NEVER! do you come up with ideas that inspire you?
A.I always wanted to be in the fashion world. As a little girl I use to dream of being a shoe designer as I got older I would always come up with different ideas in fashion I would want to get involved in. I wanted to design biker gear for bikers ( motorcycle riders ) I got really involved in Interior Design which was my first option I was leaning towards before cake designing. However, because of my passion for fashion and design this is what inspires me. Colors and Contrast of Colors, Texture, History, and Architecture.
Q.what made you want to start your business?
A.I was working for corporate America making excellent income with no worries. I was let go on the same day I had scheduled a beginners cake class at my local craft store for fun. By the time I left my office to keep my self sane from all of the chaos of being unemployed I chose to go to class that evening not knowing if I could afford the gas to continue the next week. That day I went I really enjoyed it and thought maybe just maybe if I can good at it I can one day possibly sell the cakes I made. My beginner cakes were horrid but I did not give up because I new I had to create income from somewhere. Out of desperation I took it upon my self to make sure I learned and learn FAST. FAILURE WAS NOT AN OPTION because I had 2 little ones at home and my husband had just suffered a heart attack :(
Q.who are your personal style icons and why?
A.Know one particular that I can think of at the moment. Though I'm pretty sure I have a few lol... I think anyone original and different falls into that category. I'm very gawdy. I love Zsa Zsa Gabor I guess she's the first one who comes to mind. I love the glitz and glamour, the chic and sassy type
Q.what's your favorite CD at the moment?
A.None, at the moment because I never have time to sit and read a book, or listen to music, or even watch t.v. My children are so young and juggling both work and my little one's leaves me very little time for myself. But I LOOOOVE any music from the Frank Sinatra era, like Tony Bennett. Which in todays world the equivalent would by Harry Connick Jr. Soooo... if I had time to listen to anything or pull out a favorite c.d. it would definitley be in the genre of music.
Q.what do you do when you feel like you have hit a creative roadblock?
A.Honestly, I leave it alone. I look at magazines for ideas or other peoples work not neccesarily to copy because I like to be unique but if it's nice I will add my own twist to it.
Q.what's a typical day like for you
A.Wow, a typical day for me is never typical lol... The only thing typical is the ride to and from taking the kids to school and to gma's house so I can start baking away! Valentino has football so I like to be involved in everything my kids do so I stop everything and chill with them at the park until 7:30 4times a week. I get them ready for bed and then no matter how sleepy I stay up and keep baking away. There was a time that I only slept 2 hours a night to kick of this business venture. Now, I force myself to sleep atleast 6 hours for my SANITY AND MEMORY!
Q.what's your favorite thing to do
A.My favorite thing to do is travel and I love going to flea markets. I love spending time with my children. I miss the long bubble baths and reading my daddy Hagin books.
Q.describe your artistic style
A.My artistic style I think I anwered in number 5. But really I like so much of everything I would hate to have to categorize me in one particular style.
Q.what's the most difficult part of your business
A.Hands down the techy part. The ongoing torture of advertizing and online marketing. I don't really have an interest in computers or how they function. So because we live in such a virtual world and it has such a huge impact in my business I must learn. I can't wait for the day that I can just pay someone to promote my networking pages, and do the advertising, and answer all my emails lol... So I can just stay in my designing headquarters where I belong :)
Q.what's the best part of your business
A.The best part of my business is the being recognized. I know in my deepest inner knowing that I was created for greatness and that God's hand is on my life. I have felt him since I was a child. So to see the talents he's given me finally evolve and develop I stay amazed at what create at times and GIVE GOD ALL THE GLORY knowing it never would of been possible with out Him blessing me in such a way. But then when others take notice in my work especially people of influence this is so humbling and honoring to me. I sit and cry sometimes because I am soo grateful. I feel like I am literally under an OPEN HEAVEN in this season of my life.
Q.what do you enjoy most about being an entrepreneur
A.I like being able to make my own hours. I like not missing out on quality time with my children. I like the part of being able to say I have something I can call my own. I just need to master on how to bring in the MILLIONS lol... So that I don't have to keep cleaning all the time and I can seriously get some hired help :) I like the fact that as an entrepreneur there is always room for growth and you can never have enough knowledge on how to be more successful or better. As long as I am an entrepreneur than I know I can one day make on the list of the FORTUNE 500!
Q.where do you or what plans to you have for your business in the near future
A.The plans for my business are several because I am only beginning. The most important in the near future is to build a brand before I open shop locally. I want and need to focus on creating the brand and taking it to the next level. Several ideas are already in the works. It takes alot of money to build a brand so I am taking it one step at a time. The last thing I want is debt. I will not rest until ENTICING CAKE BOUTIQUE becomes a household name.
My advice to mommy's with a business or with a desire to create one is... That it's never to late and that there is no circumstance big enough that can stop you from achieving your goals and desires ONLY YOU! If you are mom DO NOT miss out on quality time with your children MONEY is not that important. When your children are in grade school where they are gone for 8 hours of the day that's your time to PUSH HARD. Meanwhile focus on building your image and brand online and amongst the people you know. And leave the leasing space and overhead w/ employees for later when you know you've got time more time on your hands. Children are only children for a season if as a mommy you miss out on them. YOU WILL REGRET IT FOREVER and know business or empire can EVER BRING BACK OR BUY THAT TIME BACK! Finally!!! Whew... This was fun. I hope I answered them detailed enough and didn't confuse you lol...
Thank You ! so much MRS,Duran for doing this Interview:)For more information on Enticing Cake Boutique you can find her @Customized and personalized coutured cakes for every sweet occasion! 321.299.5483
Monday, October 22, 2012
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Friday, January 6, 2012

Perfect Match
Niecy has said about her fiance, Jay, “My guy is amazing! Not a perfect man, but definitely perfect for me!”
Grateful for Love
Niecy believes that finding your soul mate requires positive thinking, preparation, and patience. She said, “If you are waiting on your gift — prepare! Whatever you believe, can manifest in your life.”
Bling Bling
Niecy and Jay became engaged one year exactly from the day they met. Her engagement ring is one gorgeous rock!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Breathtaking Wedding!
Wedding Customs Around the World: Cynthia + Hatim’s Morroccan Wedding
by Chioma Obii-Obioha {@chiomaonyewuchi}
Ever dreamt of having a truly international wedding? You know, the kind where you infuse different cultures from around the world and celebrate on two different continents? Yeah, that kind of wedding! This sweet couple, Cynthia and Hatim, had the wedding that is the stuff of many people’s dreams – and my, was it beautiful!
Every delicately-crafted detail of this wedding was photographed by international wedding photographer, Christophe Photo. Amazing work!
originally from Martinique in the Caribbean and Hatim is a very proud Moroccan. They celebrated their love for and everlasting commitment to each other first in Paris, where they both call home, and then in Morocco.
The Moroccan ceremony was rife with amazing cultural elements and traditional symbols. In Moroccan culture, it is typical for the bride and her female friends and family to have a day of relaxation in the hammam which is the traditional bath house. They enjoy a day of steam baths and the freshest fruits and juices to ensure that the bride is relaxed and ready for her big day. The men may do this as well.
Cynthia was adorned with extremely intricate henna designs as is customary during Moroccan weddings. The bride is decorated with henna designs on her hands and feet for up to three hours to beautify her for her ceremony. What can I say? Mission accomplished: she looks stunning!
During the celebration, Cynthia did something that many brides would love to do: she changed five times!!! That is also traditional for Moroccan brides as they may change up to eight times for their ceremony. Her beauty preparations and dress changes are facilitated by the traditional costumiere, the Negaffah. The highlight of the night for most couples (and it was for Cynthia and Hatim) is the carrying in of the bride by the traditional gift bearers, the Aabid, on special traditional thrones called Amariah. Hatim met his beautiful bride riding a horse. How cool is that?!
The ceremony was enlivened with amazing traditional music, complete with belly dancers, folk music and of course, mouthwatering Moroccan food.
It’s so wonderful to see how the decision of two people to commit to each other can bring so much joy, laughter, celebration and fun. We love to see how weddings are celebrated around the world. This one was truly delightful

by Chioma Obii-Obioha {@chiomaonyewuchi}
Ever dreamt of having a truly international wedding? You know, the kind where you infuse different cultures from around the world and celebrate on two different continents? Yeah, that kind of wedding! This sweet couple, Cynthia and Hatim, had the wedding that is the stuff of many people’s dreams – and my, was it beautiful!
Every delicately-crafted detail of this wedding was photographed by international wedding photographer, Christophe Photo. Amazing work!
originally from Martinique in the Caribbean and Hatim is a very proud Moroccan. They celebrated their love for and everlasting commitment to each other first in Paris, where they both call home, and then in Morocco.
The Moroccan ceremony was rife with amazing cultural elements and traditional symbols. In Moroccan culture, it is typical for the bride and her female friends and family to have a day of relaxation in the hammam which is the traditional bath house. They enjoy a day of steam baths and the freshest fruits and juices to ensure that the bride is relaxed and ready for her big day. The men may do this as well.
Cynthia was adorned with extremely intricate henna designs as is customary during Moroccan weddings. The bride is decorated with henna designs on her hands and feet for up to three hours to beautify her for her ceremony. What can I say? Mission accomplished: she looks stunning!
During the celebration, Cynthia did something that many brides would love to do: she changed five times!!! That is also traditional for Moroccan brides as they may change up to eight times for their ceremony. Her beauty preparations and dress changes are facilitated by the traditional costumiere, the Negaffah. The highlight of the night for most couples (and it was for Cynthia and Hatim) is the carrying in of the bride by the traditional gift bearers, the Aabid, on special traditional thrones called Amariah. Hatim met his beautiful bride riding a horse. How cool is that?!
The ceremony was enlivened with amazing traditional music, complete with belly dancers, folk music and of course, mouthwatering Moroccan food.
It’s so wonderful to see how the decision of two people to commit to each other can bring so much joy, laughter, celebration and fun. We love to see how weddings are celebrated around the world. This one was truly delightful

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